Hercules, CA
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In Hercules, overlay districts are used to highlight areas in the city that have unique development characteristics. These overlay zones add an extra layer of regulations or standards on top of the existing zoning districts. Essentially, an overlay district is a secondary zoning district applied over one or more underlying zoning districts. This allows for specific guidelines or restrictions to be implemented in addition to those already in place, targeting particular features or needs of the area.
Refugio Creek Overlay District (MAP)
The Refugio Creek overlay district aims to establish a 50-foot setback from the top of the creek bank to create a transition area between flood-prone riparian habitats and development. It seeks to preserve the wooded character of the proposed hiking/biking trail along Refugio Creek west of I-80 by retaining existing vegetation or planting replacement trees. Additionally, it aims to protect wetland and riparian communities from development-related degradation and to implement habitat protection and flood mitigation measures outlined in the General Plan Land Use Element.
Historic Overlay District (MAP)
The Historic overlay district aims to identify areas and buildings in the city with unique historical character. It seeks to preserve, enhance, promote, and expand the cultural and historical identities of these areas by reviewing the exterior architectural and significant features of buildings and structures proposed for erection, relocation, improvement, or demolition.
Special Flood Hazard Area Overlay District (MAP)
The Flood Hazard Area overlay district aims to promote health, safety, and welfare while minimizing public and private loss due to flood hazards. It designates special flood hazard areas subject to the regulations of the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance (Municipal Code, Title 10, Chapter 7). Additionally, it provides guidelines for combining land use zoning regulations with the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance.
Waterfront District Master Plan Overlay District (MAP)
The Waterfront District Master Plan and subsequent Sub-District Amendments serve as the Regulating and Design Codes for Hercules Village, Refugio Neighborhood, Historic Town Center, Transit Village, and Hercules Point Sub-Districts. Their purposes are to preserve the historic character of the Hercules Powder Company town site while allowing the reuse of existing structures and construction of new buildings with maintained architectural quality. The plan aims to create a network of public spaces with views of Hercules Point and San Pablo Bay, provide shoreline access that preserves natural resources, and establish a commuter rail station with adjacent mixed-use development. It supports a mix of professional offices, retail businesses, residential and commercial uses, and live-work opportunities. Additionally, it ensures well-planned mixed-use development with public spaces that balance open space, recreation, transit access, and shared parking. Careful design review of proposed buildings is required to maximize the benefits and minimize potential negative impacts of mixed-use development.
Scenic Road and Highway Overlay District (MAP)
The Scenic Road and Highway overlay district aims to implement the scenic designations of the General Plan and review development within view of designated scenic routes for visual impact. It encourages aesthetically attractive architecture and design by promoting clustering, reducing visual impact, maintaining scenic view corridors, and using consistent designs and materials. The district also promotes attractive landscaping that complements the existing terrain, softens building frontages and parking areas, provides usable open spaces, and meets water conservation requirements. Additionally, it encourages low-profile signage that fits the design theme of the buildings and landscape.