Hercules, CA
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Building Division
Building permits allow for the City to regulate construction and development activity in Hercules to ensure all homes, buildings, and structures are safe and follow all guidelines and regulations. This is accomplished by examining project plans and conducting building inspections to verify compliance with the current California Building Code and local regulations. Every permit requires a building inspection.
No person, firm, or corporation shall erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish any building or structure regulated by this title, or cause the same to be done, or install or connect any equipment regulated by this title, or perform any work regulated by this title, without first obtaining the necessary permits from the county building official.
According to the 2022 California Residential Code (CRC), permits shall not be required for the following:
- One-story detached accessory structures, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet. NOTE: A. Approval from the Planning Division, Sanitary District, or Contra Costa County Environmental Health may be required depending on the location of the accessory
structure. - Electrical, plumbing, and mechanical work requires a permit.
- Oil derricks.
- Water tanks supported directly on grade if the capacity is not greater than 5,000 gallons and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed 2:1.
- Painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, counter tops and similar finish work.NOTE: Contact the Building Inspection Division at (510-799-8244) for clarification of cabinets or remodels and additions.
- Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group R-3 occupancy that are less than 24 inches deep, are not greater than 5,000 gallons and are installed entirely above ground.NOTE: If the water level is over 18 inches in depth, a protective barrier is required. Please refer to the Swimming Pool and Spa Installation handout. Shade cloth structures constructed for nursery or agricultural purposes, not including service systems.
- Window awnings in Group R-3 and U occupancies, supported by an exterior wall that do not project more than 54 inches from the exterior wall and do not require additional support.
- Note: Exemptions from permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction.